Monday 9 September 2024


It is easier said than done! For some, life is easier than others. They choose a path or do the right thing at the right moment and things begin to settle down in their respective places. For others, it takes time to actually figure out what they really want to do in life and where does their true happiness lie. And this latter group is the one who someday feel that they are nothing but a burden on their families. Many things come in their path to making choices – responsibilities, expectations, family pressure, emotion, financial strain, age factor and what not!!

Many consider that being a single child is a boon; wrong!! Being a single child only means that you are in shackles; there is no one to look forward to and no one behind you to share your responsibilities. There you are... back in dilemma. Now you are a pawn. If your master is good, you might as well win a queen for him, but if not... you die for nothing!

Success is a relative term. Some find it early when it comes to financial success and for others, it comes late. But maturity does come as one ages. At one point of time, if you are not doing enough, you can sense the vibe around. But then your mere understanding the scenario does not help! Remember? You are chained!! You cannot help or stand for yourself; you got to fulfill their desires. They gave you enough opportunities and you wasted them, no matter what the circumstances were - you ruined your chances!!

You are trapped now and cannot escape anywhere. Your good days may mean a government job, enough money to pay for the needs, two children running around, a beautiful home, a vehicle, a peaceful wife and everything good except for your mental well being! No one really wants to know if you are happy with all of these; does happiness for you comprise of all of the above. Maybe you wanted similar things, but in your own terms. Maybe you are someone whose happiness lies in being free. But you can no more decide that now that you are a burden on your family and you are supposed to listen to them, fulfil their dreams and sacrifice your own. And now you have also lost the right to lecture around asking people to do what they actually want to!
You are DONE!!

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